On May 23, with CI’s effort, invited by Kathmandu
University, two deans of Hebei University of Economics and Business, Mr.
Zhang Jintong and Mr. Wang Chunhe visited Nepal for Academic exchanges.
They visited Kathmandu University, Confucius Institute, and three Confucius
Classrooms, where they greeted to volunteer teachers. During the visit,
two deans also held a meeting with vice chancellor and deans of Kathmandu
University. They discussed further cooperation with school of management,
and both sides were looking forward to expanding and deepening cooperation
projects as soon as possible. Mr. Zhang Jintong gave a speech named “Mencius'
Ideal Society and Its Practice” for the teachers and students of
School of Art, and Mr. Wang Chunhe, “The Power Transfer in the Development
of Chinese Family Enterprise” for the teachers and students of KUSOM.
Two deans’ visit makes a contribution to a substantial progress
in cooperation between Hebei University of Economics and Business and
Nepal, and it stands for the two schools’ Cooperation and exchange
has gone deep into an academic and disciplinary level.
